For the 2nd day in a row, I entered my bedroom and noticed that my bedside writing pad had been turned 90 degrees and was balanced between the nightstand and the edge of my bed. What was going on? Did I turn it in my sleep meaning to write down a dream? Or was it turned that direction by some other means, encouraging me to write? Maybe it was both.

The memory of any dreams in recent times has been extremely minimal. I know that I’m still dreaming, but the content has not stuck around for the waking moments. As I pondered the interesting phenomenon of this 90-degree turned tablet, I remembered last night’s dream. It was all about eggs.

I was at the grocery store with a friend. Large boxes of cartoned eggs were waiting in the aisle for a store employee to remove and arrange into the cooler. Needing eggs, I took a carton and opened it. It included a cracked egg. I put it back and reached for another. More cracked eggs. My friend was going through other cartons and finding the same thing. Was I going to find any carton without a cracked egg?

Then I ran into some specialty eggs. There were only 3 or 4 per carton. They were odd shaped, heavily shelled with a rough and bumpy texture, and they were expensive. I certainly didn’t need these. And that’s all I remembered.

In the natural, I have my own backyard hens, so I have no need for grocery store eggs. Why such a dream? What is the Spirit of the Lord trying to tell me?

I started pondering the obvious, eggs. Generally, eggs represent promise and new life – a gift(s). But some of those eggs were cracked. I was seeking whole eggs. And what about those odd ones?

Aren’t we all a bit like eggs? Full of promise and value. Different colors and shapes. All coming into the world through the same means. Many of the eggs are normal and their use is obvious. Some are damaged from internal or external pressure. But are they ruined? Some are really different and rough, and those come at a high price. God wants them all. He was willing to pay the highest price to purchase all the eggs. His desire is that not any of the eggs would go to waste.

I, like many of you, wanted only the “good” eggs; the ones that seemed complete. In God’s kingdom however, He wants all the eggs. The cracked ones, the crushed ones, the different ones. They have value and purpose.

Admittedly, I am more like a cracked egg. I have been crushed. I have been the odd one (some of you may still think I am). Through God’s goodness and mercy, He redeemed me – He purchased me at the high price of the death of His Son, Jesus Christ. I chose to run to Him and give Him my messy brokenness. He has healed me and restored me to wholeness. Actually, He’s still working on me. He can and will do the same for any of you. You only need to open your heart to Him, give your mess to Him, and believe that He has only good things for you and your future.  

Flipping open my dream interpretation book to search for more information on eggs, it opened to the page where the top entry was… “eggs!”

There was a bookmark at that page. The top three meanings of eggs were 1) Promise/s; 2) New beginnings; 3) Gift. The corresponding verses were Luke 11:12-13.

What father, if his son asks for a fish, will give him a snake instead? And if he asks for an egg, will he give him a scorpion? If you then, being evil, know how to give good gifts to your children, how much more will your heavenly Father give the [Holy Spirit] to those who ask Him!

Luke 11:11-13 TLV

So, what kind of “egg” or gift are you asking for? Ask for the Holy Spirit. For everyone who asks receives (verse 10). The Holy Spirit will lead you into all truth. He is the Helper. He is the Spirit of truth.

But when he, the Spirit of truth, comes, he will guide you into all truth.

John 16:13a NIV

When life gets messy – when the world gets messy – He knows the truth of all matters. Surrender to Him and He will fix the cracks and the crushing. He has a purpose for you, and it is for good things.

He has made everything beautiful in its time. He has also set eternity in the human heart; yet no one can fathom what God has done from the beginning to the end.

Ecclesiastes 3:11 NIV