Category: Inspiration

The Life-Giving Yoke

I’d read these verses many times before. Why did they hit me so profoundly this time around? Sometimes I think that we allow scripture to become too familiar. Also, our minds are often “dull of hearing” (Hebrews 5:11) so that the weight of the message does not impact us until the word comes through, accompanied […]

When Rest Accomplishes More

I was startled awake by the distant ringing of my phone. The clock read five forty-something, almost six o’clock. A bit later than I normally get up. But this morning, I was sick. Still sick from a bad something-or-other that I caught around the end of the year. I was tired and wanted to go […]

Called to Dance (Testimony)

As I sat in the dimly lit room filled with Christian women at a weekend retreat, the prophetic psalmist paused between songs. Then she called me out and said, “this next one’s for you.” She poured out the Lord’s words to me in song, “just like a swan on a lake… like the ripple on […]

A Voice Worth Listening To

“What… am… I… doing… here?” In the middle of the rocking worship music and excited crowd, the dark thought seemed to instantly land on me trying to sink claws of depressive discouraging feelings into my vulnerable soul. As I looked around, suddenly feeling alone, I entertained that thought for a split second and immediately heard, […]