I faded from sleep into waking consciousness, full of excitement and wonder at the dream I was having. I knew I needed to remember it. I pondered it, trying to solidify it in my mind as sleep worked to come upon me again. I reached for the pen on the nightstand and jotted down a few words to help jog my memory in the morning. It was sometime before midnight—unusual, as most of my memorable dreams happen in the morning hours.
Before the sun came up, I was in my prayer room and remembered that I’d had a good dream. However, I could recall nothing about it. I went on with my morning knowing that I’d written the dream down with hopes of it coming back to me.
Later on, as I made up the bed, I remembered those notes and glanced down at the paper lying on the nightstand.
Revival meetings
[family member names]
That was all. While I still couldn’t remember the details of the dream, these few words were exciting enough to hang onto and pray over.
We are in very precarious times, and many of us know that deep trouble has begun in the world. How close will it get to us? Likely, very close.
If you read the Holy Bible, you know that everyone will experience trouble of many kinds in this life. However, for the child of God—a follower of His Son Jesus Christ—His will is always for our good and for restoration. He promises to bring us through all things. He promises an abundant life—not only in eternity, but also here on earth.
The dream I had was given to encourage me. I share it with you and hope that it encourages you also. Never give up praying; for the times we are in, for Israel-as God in His word has told us to do, and for your family. Pray the prodigals in. Pray the unbelievers in.
Don’t ever think that it is too late for someone. You do not know. It is often the darkest of times that cause people to turn to Him, and He is faithful to receive them regardless of their past. God’s will is that none would perish, and therefore He is incredulously patient with mankind.
Each one of us will experience eternal death or eternal life. Choose life.
Life and death are in the power of the tongue. Speak life.
Darkness is here, but revival is coming!